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About Us

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Nic Robinson,

British, Master Mariner. Is a Professional Mariner with 20 years of deep-sea work in Commercial Merchant Shipping. He has been living in Hong Kong for the past 45 years and is involved in many areas of the marine industry as a surveyor and a marine consultant.

Has extensive deep water sailing and Racing in Pleasure Yachts – (Transat and Azab Races) and currently owns a boat in Hong Kong.

Is a Full member of International Institute of Marine Surveyors (UK) (MIIMS).

Nic is the Author of local 'Pleasure Craft Hand books' Grades One and Two dealing with Hong Kong Marine Department's requirement and knowledge for local Pleasure Craft Certification and Licensing. (Pleasure Vessel Operators Hand-book with Hong Kong Sailing Federation latest edition 2020). 

Is a Senior Scrutineer for local Yacht Racing in Hong Kong.

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Philippe Grelon,

French and New Zealander, has been living and working for the past 30 years in Asia Pacific (including 15 years Hong Kong).

Is a Chartered Engineer member of Institution of Mechanical Engineers of UK (IMechE) and has a MBA of HEC (Haute Etudes Commerciales) in France.

Is an affiliate member of the International Institute of Marine Surveyors (UK) (MIIMS).

Philippe has been involved in sailing and boating for the past 40 years (Including boat maintenance and boat racing preparation) and owns several boats at the present moment.

He is the President of the Short-Handed Sailing Association of Hong Kong (SSAHK) and the current Taipei-Hong Kong world record holder monohull (Ex record holder : Ellen Mac Arthur).

Has done intense lobbying for changing the law regarding sailing activities in Taiwan. (obtained in 2006).


N. J. Robinson Company Ltd. 

41, Tin Kwong Road, 2nd Floor, 
To Kwa Wan, Kowloon, 
Hong Kong. 

TEL: ‎+852 2711 2715


© 2021 by N. J. Robinson Co. Ltd.

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